Barry L. Lippitt, Esq.
National  Chancellor

October 2002

At this time of year, the TER leadership finalizes its plans for the annual meeting and convention.  This year's gathering, our 82nd, promises to be one of the best yet.  In addition to a great venue with extremely favorable rates for a December getaway on Florida's east coast, over the past two weeks, we've been working diligently on the plans for the Closing Dinner and Installation of Officers.  Through the hard work of PNC Stuart Markus, I am pleased to announce that the keynote speaker at this year's closing dinner will be Janet Reno, former Attorney General of the United States.  In addition to addressing those attending the dinner, Ms. Reno will receive the inaugural Tau Epsilon Rho Law Society Award for Distinguished Public Service.

In addition to the convention dinners, we have exciting CLE sessions planned to coincide with the meetings of the National Council, and have also planned various optional group activities.  Plus, we will host our traditional gatherings in the Hospitality Suite for registrants.

It's not too late to make plans to attend the convention, but our guaranteed rates for the room block at the hotel will end soon.  And, convention attendees must register by mid-November to take advantage of the Early Registration Fee.  For more information, follow the link on the home page, or contact our Executive Director, Alan Tepper.

Also, if anyone attending the meeting is not affiliated with one of our graduate chapters, you may be eligible to represent our members as an at-large delegate to the National Council.  Please contact me if you have interest in serving as a delegate.

Finally, we are considering applications to serve in elected positions to the Executive Committee.  If you are interested in moving up to a National position, please get in touch with me immediately, so that we can discuss your particular interests. 

I look forward to seeing everyone at this year's Convention.

Barry L. Lippitt

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